Space Planning and Reorganization Services

Space Planning and Reorganization Services

Is your library moving into a new or “new-to-you” building? Did your Friends Group purchase some new furniture or equipment for the library and now you aren’t quite sure where to put it? Are you looking to expand a specific collection or area of the library and want a second opinion on your ideas?

Your Parkland Consultant Librarian can assist you with projects like facility planning for new builds and renovations; and re-organizing your existing library space. We can provide you with important information about Alberta Building Code, accessibility standards, and Library Facilities best practices. We also have various resources available, including a list of library furniture and supply vendors, that we are happy to share if you’d prefer to do the groundwork yourself. The PRLS Consultant Librarians are happy to provide advice and connect you with information on library space planning and re-organization. Access the PRLS Library Services department by contacting your PRLS Consultant or emailing