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Staying Organized with Microsoft

Staying Organized with Microsoft

Recently Parkland has provided training on different Microsoft platforms that can be used to keep you and your staff organized. But often when too many platforms get involves, something is lost or forgotten. There is a quick and easy way to integrating Microsoft Planner and Microsoft To Do into Microsoft Teams. This way you only have one location for all your planning, tracking, and communication needs.

Microsoft Planner is for project management, Office 365 Planner provides a hub for team members to create plans, organize, and assign tasks to different users and to check updates on progress through dashboards.

Microsoft To Do is a smart daily planner that helps you manage your to do lists online, which can then be share to help keep your colleagues informed of a project.

Microsoft Teams is a persistent chat-based collaboration platform complete with document sharing, online meetings, and many more extremely useful features for business communications. 

To integrate all three platforms:

  1. Open and log into teams
  2. Click on the app icon on the lower left side of Team
  1. Search “tasks” and click on “tasks by planner and to do”
  1. Click Open
  1. Tasks and Planner will open and automatically import any tasks or plans you’ve already created.
  2. The Tasks icon will appear on the left side app bar. Right click to pin the icon and keep it visible. At any time, you can click and drag these icons around to prioritize them