Parkland provides a wide variety of training opportunities to library staff, managers and board trustees. We offer regular in-person and virtual learning opportunities, an annual conference, and on demand training. For information or to schedule a training session please email
Some of the topics we provide training on include:
- Plan of Service: What it is and Why it’s Important
- Polaris Adding Items and Magazines
- Polaris Beyond the Basics
- Polaris For Beginners
- Programming Getting Started
- Reference and Readers Advisory
- Roles and Responsibilities
- Summer Reading Club
- Trustee Training
- Ordering New Materials (ULS, CVS, Overdrive, and Cloud Library)
Please see the Library Managers Handbook for more information on library funding, operations, collections, human resources, etc.
If you need any assistance using the PRLS Staff Training Academy please contact your Consultant Librarian.