Welcome to the PRLS Support Site. Below is the PRLS Support Blog and you can navigate the menu above to find support for library staff and board members. If you need additional help, please call 1-800-567-9024.
PRLS Support Site


Ordering Instructions and Tips

On Order Verification Tip Sheet

Ordering Process for Allotment

United Library Service (ULS)
CVS Midwest Tape
CloudLibrary (eBooks)
Libby OverDrive
eBook Orders form
  • For eBooks & eAudio
Personal Shopping

Using Allotment to buy materials? Make sure it is one of our approved vendors, contact us

Please include all invoices when sending in Personal Shopping items

Collection Development Resources

Collection Insider




LibraryData is a circulation analysis tool that allows libraries to compare their loans, holds, and collection holdings information to other libraries and to sales market data. Contact your Consultant Librarian if you haven’t received account information.